Eine Frau und ein Mädchen laufen vor einem Mann und einem Jugendlichen durch einen Wald.
Story Aug. 16, 2023

Biodiversity - A family of researchers

In the very large thematic area of biodiversity, Joachim Haug works on very small objects: insect and crustacean larvae. His wife is also an enthusiastic zoologist. So, it's hardly surprising that the passion for research also took hold of their two children at an early age.

Woman leafing through a book
Story Apr. 24, 2023

At the University of Jena, a Ukrainian researcher who fled the war in her country is able to continue her work

Scholar of administration Tetiana Kovalova had to give up her home in Kharkiv – but not her research. She is now in Jena, working on a project to do with post-war reconciliation and conflict transformation. Her work is supported by the Volkswagen Foundation.

Frau in einem Museumsarchiv mit großformatigen Gemälden
Story Apr. 16, 2023

Provenance research: The stories behind the things

Diving into archives, tracing the migration of museum objects through time and contexts – this is how provenance researcher Claudia Andratschke describes her work. A portrait.

Frau im Labor lächelt in die Kamera
Story Apr. 13, 2023

Quantum technology: Computing with light

Stefanie Kroker works in the field of nanometrology, creating the tiniest structures and developing techniques to measure them as precisely as possible. Research on quantum computing could also benefit from this. A portrait.

Several persons in discussion
News Mar. 29, 2023

Supporting Science in Sub-Saharan Africa: On the satisfaction derived from developing solutions

Not only crises caused by political upheavals or famines continue to wreak havoc on societies and communities on the African continent. Gilbert Fokou, a social anthropologist from Cameroon, sees himself as a bridging interface between the people and decision-makers in politics. He is driven by a strong determination to help the very poor. 

Woman in front of a shelf with records
Story Mar. 16, 2023

Supporting Science in Sub-Saharan Africa: Saving people and sounds from being forgotten

Lizabé Lambrechts researches South African popular music from the apartheid era